When to Save or Splurge

When to Save or Splurge - Let's face it. Most of us spend way too much on our beauty regimens. The average woman spends a whopping $15,000 on makeup in her lifetime, according to mint.com. There's a popular misconception that beauty products are worth emptying your wallet for, but this simply isn't the case. 

The best way to cut down your beauty spending is to first make a budget. Decide how much you're willing to spend each month and stick to that number. Then, the key to getting the best products with that budget is in deciding how to distribute it. Follow these guidelines on when to save and when to splurge on common beauty products: 

Splurge on foundation and concealer. 

When it comes to products that come into direct contact with your skin, it's worth the extra cash to have the perfect fit for your complexion. If you can only splurge on one makeup item, it should be your foundation. When the product is expensive, sales associates are usually more than willing to help you pick the color and formula that perfectly match your skin type. Higher quality foundations can also end up being bargains themselves since they last longer and you don't have to use as much to get full coverage. 

Save on eyeliner and mascara. 

Eyeliner and mascara are where you can save a ton of money. You can switch from name-brand products to inexpensive brands without ever being able to tell the difference. Why? Because it all comes down to the applicator. Find out what type of applicator works best for you, and don't worry about the actual mascara itself. The shape of the wand is what's important. 

Save on shampoo and conditioner. 

You can always find great deals on shampoo and conditioner at your local drugstore. Many drugstores make deals with big manufacturers to push new products. As a result, they receive large shipments of great brand-name hair products that are then served up to consumers at discounted prices. If the drugstore saves money, you save money. It's a win-win. To save even more, try using store coupons and rewards programs to multiply your savings. 

Splurge on cleanser and moisturizer. 

Just like foundation, cleanser and moisturizer come in direct contact with your face, so these are splurge items. Plus, it's okay to spend more money on items that can have a lasting effect on your skin. If you have acne problems, dry or oily skin, a trip to a dermatologist or specialty store is well worth your money in the long run. Take care of your face early and often to keep a youthful complexion. 

Save on eye shadow and blush. 

There are several ways to make your eye shadow and blush more effective without buying expensive brands. Using a primer will allow the color to stick throughout the day. Add a couple drops of water to your eye shadow brush before wiping it across the makeup palette so it's easier to apply and lasts longer. 

At the end of the day, the most important thing to remember about beauty products is that they should be tailored to you. Couple that with a budget and you'll save money. ( usnews.com )

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